Friday 12 June 2015

How to Deal With Exam Anxiety

How to Deal With Exam Anxiety

If you spend sleepless nights agonizing over exams, days or weeks before they take place, read on.

Find out what it is about exams that makes you anxious.
Is it being under-prepared, the possibility of failure, or the hype surrounding the major exams?.

Prepare well for the exam. Practice exam style questions and get them marked. Read over these if you are feeling particularly anxious or daily to remind yourself how well you're doing.

Ignore and avoid people that are making predictions or complaining of failing even before the test or exam takes place.

Review your notes the night before. This will leave information fresh in your memory, however if you feel this will add more pressure then don't. For some people this works, however for some cramming information simply makes it even more complicated.

Go to bed early and try using meditation or aromatherapy to calm down.

The day of the exam read over your practice questions. Breathe slowly and try to relax.

During the exam read the entire paper slowly. Don't panic. Highlight what you think you'll be able to answer. Before starting remember that you start every exam with 100%, not zero.

If the anxiety is persistent and severe, talk to your guidance counselor about it. He or she might be able to work with you to come up with strategies to overcome it.

He or she might also be able to speak to your teachers about it. If they know, they might be willing to give you more time to take the exam, if an anxiety attack happens to slow you down.

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