Sunday 29 March 2015

How Distance Education Has Changed The Face Of Education In India

Education plays a very important role in the development of an individual. Quality education gives people the platform to learn and grow intellectually. However, face to face regular education is not made for everybody. For the under privileged section of society, housewives and working adults pursuing a regular degree is next to impossible. But this doesn’t mean that they should not have an opportunity to grow intellectually.

Distance education or the more popularly known form that is correspondence courses offer amazing opportunities to such people. Opportunities which otherwise would not have been possible.

Distance Education has improved in the last couple of years:

With development in technology the quality of distance education has improved drastically. Earlier distance education only involved the printed text material which was provided to student via post and other sources. Contact with qualified teachers was virtually next to impossible when the trend of distance education began. However, with the advent of internet, the face of distance education has changed completely.

Now students can have a classroom environment in the comfort of their homes via video conferencing and other services. For people who don’t have the opportunity or the time to pursue a regular course this form of learning has come as a blessing. Especially in the case of higher learning distance education has become very successful as well as helpful.

Distance Education also paves the road for foreign universities to set up in India:

After the coming of distance education, many established foreign universities have shown interest in setting up their branch in India.  This has opened the door for millions of students all over the country who do not have the privilege to study abroad. These universities are legitimate.

Distance education covers a vast gamut of courses. From small hobby courses to pursuing degree courses, distance education offers every opportunity possible. This is a wonderful opportunity for students all over the country who have the zeal to further their careers but do not have the time or the privilege to do so. Now with internet one can have knowledge from all over the world sitting anywhere and according to their time and convenience.

Distance Education very popular for students pursuing post graduation:

A degree in MBA has been one of the most popular courses which many students prefer to study via correspondence. Post graduate courses usually become the most popular correspondence courses. This is because by the time of graduation most students find a job which they want to continue along with their further education. As a result Distance Education has become one of the most sought for forms of learning for students who want to continue earning along with their learning.

Regular courses, especially the post graduation courses have very few seats in most universities. This is also one of the many reasons for Distance Education to flourish in India. As the market of students is huge but the opportunities are still very limited, correspondence education allows for more opportunities for kids all over the country. It is no longer looked down upon and many people have begun to seize this form of learning as an opportunity.

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