Saturday 25 July 2020

Same joke Same problem

According to an old legend, a king went to visit his neighboring kingdom here.  The neighboring king hosted the guest king very well.  

After staying there for a few days when the king returned to his kingdom, the neighboring king gifted him two beautiful pigeons.

The king took the two pigeons to his palace.  There a servant was appointed to look after the pigeons.  

The servant would arrange food and water for the pigeons in the morning.  A few days later, when the king arrived to know the condition of those pigeons.

The servant said that one pigeon flies to a very high height, but the other one is sitting on a branch of the tree.  

The king was very sad to know why the other pigeon is not flying.

The king immediately summoned his ministers, but no one could understand what had happened to the other pigeon. 

Then someone advised the king that anyone from the kingdom should be called and honoured accordingly.  A Poor farmer has responded to the call of the king.

 The farmer was familiar with birds, saw the area around the pigeon and cut the branch of the tree on which he sat.

After this, the second pigeon also started flying high in the sky.  The farmer told the king that this pigeon was trapped in the fascination of this branch, afraid of taking the risk of flying, when this branch was cut, it had no other option but to fly.

 Due to this, he has started flying to high altitude.  The king was pleased to see this and honored the farmer with gold coins.

 Lesson from story

Those who are afraid to take up risks, do not want to give up their comfort zone,
They just remain there only.

They don't achieve remarkable in life.

If you also want to ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS,  then Leave Your Comfort Zone. WAKE UP
Start your day EARLY.
Sleep early
Burn calories
Think positive
Talk positive
Ignore all those who talk low 
Avoid all those who talk shit
Leave all the past which stop you from doing BIG

One Life
One Opportunity

All worthy and deserving will come back to you once you prove yourself.

You can do it. 

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